Friday, April 12, 2013

Show Your Tan Lines

First of all, bear with me on the technical aspects of this blog.  If you have tried to comment and have not been able to, you are not alone.  I'm not sure why some comments come through and other people have difficulty.  I've changed some settings, so if you have tried unsuccessfully, please try again.  You can always send me an email to let me know you couldn't comment.  I wish I had an IT department, but unfortunately it's not in the blog budget. Correction: there is no blog budget.

Megan stole my thunder yesterday!!! She mentioned Vitamin D, of which many people unknowingly have a deficiency.  It's easy to replace, and best of all, it's free.  By exposing yourself to at least 10-30 minutes of direct sunlight per day, the UVB rays will cause your skin to synthesize Vitamin D in your body.  Ok, blah blah blah watch out for sunburn, risk of skin cancer - know your limits.  But, if you have a primarily indoors job, make sure that you get outside at some point during the day.  There are two units that I work on sometimes in the hospital - the Trauma Resuscitation Unit and the PACU (recovery), and neither of these units have windows.  Whenever I'm assigned to these units, I try to get outside for a few minutes to get some sunlight.  It not only gets me the Vitamin D, but it helps de-stress a little during the work day. 

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorous.  Remember when you drank milk, and on the carton it said "With Vitamin D added"? In a paleo diet, we get our calcium primarily from fish and greens, rather than milk and cheese.  Without proper levels of Vitamin D, much of that calcium isn't absorbed.  In order to keep our bones strong, prevent osteoporosis, even cancer and some autoimmune diseases, it's important to absorb the calcium we eat.  If you haven't been outside yet today, take a walk.  Or go buy a Jeep and take your top off.  Get your mind out of the gutter, the top off the Jeep.  Unless you're a guy, then you can take both tops off and you won't get arrested. 

Now.  Reporting on the Paleo Sweet Potato Brownies.  S-U-C-C-E-S-S!!!  I made the brownies for a family birthday party, because I knew there would be a New York Cheesecake and several cherry pies.  Everyone was skeptical, especially the teenagers and my father.  I got responses of everything from "Not bad at all" to "Boom!"  It's a recipe from, and I can tell you the brownies are even good for breakfast.  And mid-morning snack.  And probably lunch. 

Happy Friday, go outside!

1 comment:

gpr26 said...

Looks like you might have fixed the blog issues. Glad to see you posting again. I thought maybe you and Chris went off and joined Curves or something.

Those PaleOMG brownies have been a hit with non-Paleo eaters in our experience too. For anyone interested, Juli Bauer of PaleOMG has her cookbook out, OMG. That's Paleo?. As soon as it gets here I'll post my thoughts. It's supposed to be a collection of her posted recipes, plus 30 new ones.