Every day, I hear of someone hating something. Whether it's in the news as a crime against a person because of who they are, or simply someone disliking something but choosing too strong a word to represent their feelings. In light of the bombings in Boston, I've been thinking about how hate affects people with no choice in the matter. What type of monster attacks people who are running for themselves, or for a cause, or for someone else who is unable to run at all? The Boston Marathon is the ultimate pinnacle of success for runners around the world, and it represents Massachusetts Pride right alongside the Red Sox and lobstahs.
From time to time, we all experience Haters. Yes they bother me, they create doubt, and they eventually force me to be stronger. Haters/Bullies/Politically Incorrect - there are all kinds of buzzwords. I haven't experienced Hate on a scary, watch your back kind of basis. But I've experienced, and continue to experience, the judgment, and I'm getting tired of it.
You see, I eat differently than the rest of America, and I work to make myself strong and fit, differently than many people. My choice to avoid grains, dairy, and soy bothers some people. I'm not sure why, because I've always taken the approach of "this works for me. If you're interested, talk to me about it." I feel better without these elements in my diet. When I re-introduce them, for whatever reason, I feel the repercussions. I've now been strict Paleo since Jan 1, 2013, and I feel great. I celebrated my first birthday ever (and there's been quite a few birthdays) without a birthday cake. I had some www.salazonchoc.com, Salazon Chocolate Bar with Sea Salt and Cane Sugar, and I was happy. I could have baked some delectable Paleo treats, but that really isn't my forte. One of my bestest friends on the whole planet is a vegan (I know, really. No bacon?) and she experiences the same thing, judgments on her food choices all the time.
I'm not a globo-gym person. I do "those crazy workouts" not because I've always been a fitness freak, but because I'm addicted to pushing myself. Seeing results makes me push myself even more. I love thinking my capabilities are within one set of parameters, and discovering my actual abilities are way beyond, simply because I gave myself the challenge. I also like confronting my weaknesses over and over and over again, waiting for the precious moment when I conquer it. Your average treadmill emporium junkie will not understand. They do their 40 minutes of 'cardio' and get dressed for work. I prefer to be smelly sweaty, bad hair, crazy socks, stinky armpits, and inflict my awesomeness on all the other shoppers at Costco.
But recently, I've gotten a few snarky, "who-do-you-think-you-are" type comments, followed by a "just kidding," (of course they're 'just kidding'), and it definitely challenged my thinking. For a hot second. Here's what I think I am: Flawed? Absolutely. Eating Clean 95% of the time. Pushing myself to accomplish the same results that 25 yr olds are achieving. Raising my kids in an honest, truthful dialogue. Saying what's on my mind, when it's on it. Saving the lives of whoever I can when it's my 12 hours on duty.
If you've accepted a lifestyle that is not mainstream, don't apologize. Others will ask you about it if and when they are ready. I had someone ask me this week if I could help them start a Paleo Diet. I gave her some initial steps to take and promised to follow up in a few days with more advice. And don't let the judgers get to you. If they want to eat their Oreos, let them. Above all, choose the word "Hate" very wisely. It's a strong word, used improperly most of the time.
I like going to costco with you!
Great points, Angela. People hate because of a few reasons. One - they are jealous and want what you have. Two - they are afraid of what or who you are and wonder if you will make them change. Three - because they are @$$holes. I always tell people - if you don't like me or what I am doing, well that's your problem, not mine.
I totally agree with the use of the word hate, have always told the girls they should be very careful using that word. I remember when they were younger and would say "I hate this or that" I'd ask them to change it to 'I don't like...".
By the way the other day I thought to myself I wished I had made you a BDay cake. Lol
"...inflict my awesomeness on all the other shoppers at Costco." Haha, love it! I particularly enjoy the dirty looks I get when I wear my WODkilla headband. I see the, "Who does she think she is?!?" in their eyes. Makes my day.
Thanks Bill - Good points and so true. Laura, if you had made the cake I probably would have eaten it - so I'm glad you didn't. Megan - we should just start going to Costco together and inflict our double awesomeness on everyone!!
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