Maybe it's just me, because people talk to me about Paleo, or because I'm in places where I will find Paleo references, or maybe the surge of Paleo information is just starting to gain momentum. I actually think it's the latter.
My hairstylist today asked me if people are always telling me their medical stuff or asking me medical questions because I'm a nurse, and I responded with my own question: "Do people always apologize about their bad hair day or discuss their hair problems with you when they see you out?" We both realized that part of the job is to be a resource to people, whether you are in the mood to be resourceful or not. The Paleo lifestyle is the same way. Those that are curious find those that live the lifestyle, either to get more information or to find out just how freaky we are.
Yesterday, WJLA, the ABC affiliate in Washington did a story on the Paleo Diet (paleo-diet-helps-fairfax-family-shed-pounds-stay-healthy.) This family talked about how they've lost weight and feel better. The parents were feeding their little kids a mostly Paleo Diet. Now, the morning news anchors were definitely acting a little awkward talking about it, but they at least didn't dis' the lifestyle at all. The Paleo Diet tends to fit in better with the west coast mindset, so it will be interesting to see how the Washington DC population responds to it.
The aforementioned hairstylist has been eating a Paleo Diet since right before my previous appointment, which was 6 weeks ago - c'mon, these kids make my hair gray. 6 weeks is all I can muster before I start rocking the headbands - daily. I asked him today how it was going, and he's loving it. He has the same difficulties as everyone else - food prep time, finding good food out, eating throughout the day - but he was amazed at the weight he's lost and how much better he feels. He did, however, experience the dreaded morning-after-a-cheat-meal symptoms, and I told him that's pretty much the secret to minimizing your cheats.
The coaching staff of my son's football team have become converts. We have watched them shrink during the spring indoor season, getting leaner, and now they are even hearing the compliments from the rival team coaches. They coach practice, holding their little tupperwares of apples and meat, water bottles never very far away. None of us have any use for the concession stand anymore, and our post-game debriefing last Saturday was a crab feast - yes, Maryland Blue Crabs are definitely Paleo, even with the Old Bay.
Finally, this month's Outside Magazine has an article called, and this is my FAVORITE, "The Truth about Paleo - Why the Caveman Movement is Here to Stay" June, 2013. They've done a few articles before, but this one seems to be hitting the wave of Paleo information, the wave that's hitting main stream society.
I'm noticing the movement, and I'm happy. This country needs to eat better, we need to teach our kids better food choices, and the obesity related health crisis in the U.S. can be, at the very least, diminished. Because, as a nurse, I see what diabetes, hypertension, and cardiac disease looks like after years of overeating crap. Even if it's a small advocacy, share the way you eat, and why you eat that way, with others when they ask. I've had a few converts because of it, and they all have been happy. A few try it a few weeks, then give up, but guess what? After a couple of weeks off, they go back. They want to feel that way again. Don't be afraid to share the benefits with others. It's catching on, I can feel it.
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